Countdown to Jen's Dissertation Defense: April 1, 2005

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

59 days left

Today, I spent most of the day working on an overdue chapter on terrorism and the semantic web. I completed about half of that. It came pretty easily, but it still took time to write it. I also wrote the slides for the talk I have to give tomorrow.

I am starting to feel burnt out with this chapter. It's very important, but I've been working on it 14 hours a day for about a week. I've been working 14 hours a day on the in one form or another for a long time, and the hours aren't really the problem. The dissertation writing, though, has required such intense focus. My usual work cycle involves switching between several active projects, so when I get fatigued on one, I just move to the next. With this, I can't do that, and the more I progress, the less I can even switch between chapters.

Chapter 6

Started the section about the algorithm, wrote 340 words. I also wrote some code to test a few variations on the algorithm that I'm writing about. I found a couple of good results to strengthen what I'm doing.


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